Applications are accepted April 1 through October 31.
Complete your application today!
Serving Your Community
Few jobs offer you the opportunity to save a life. As a volunteer firefighter, you could be called upon to do it at a moments notice. This is why we need courageous and dedicated people with a strong desire to help others.
The criteria to be a volunteer firefighter is:
- A citizen of the United States
- A legal resident of the State of Nebraska
- A resident of the City of Kearney of within a two mile radius of Kearney or five mile radius of Riverdale
- At least 19 years of age or ask about our Explorer Program for under the age of 19.
Applying for the Department
To apply for membership to the Kearney Volunteer Fire Department, an Application for Membership must be completed and returned to Fire Station 1, 2211 Avenue A.
After the department receives the application, the applicant is interviewed by the Investigative and Review Committee to investigate the qualifications and interest of the applicant. The City of Kearney will conduct a driving and national background check and/or investigation. A Personal Information and Background Check/Investigation is included in the application packet.
If the majority of the Committee is in favor of the applicant, the applicant is voted on by the department at any regular or special meeting.
Because this job is so important, we make sure all of our volunteer firefighters are expertly trained and properly equipped. If you want to do something important for your community and are willing to take on a challenging job, come down to the fire station and talk to us.
New Member Requirements
Training Course Completion
New members to the department must successfully complete the Fire Department’s Firefighter I 23 week course. Generally this course starts first part of January and ends towards the end of June. This course provides the applicant basic firefighter training and general department operations.
In addition to attending Firefighter I, the applicant must also maintain a 50% attendance at monthly business meetings, monthly squad meetings, and fire alarms sounded.
Every active member is also required to assist in the maintenance and upkeep of the Fire Department equipment, property, and facilities.
If you have questions regarding the Application for Membership, please feel free to contact us at (308) 233-3226.
Office Administration

Jason Whalen | Fire Administrator (FD2)

JoAnn Andersen | Office Manager

Terry Eirich | Fire Inspector (FD9)

Chris Hellerich | Training Coordinator

Aaron Jameson (FD1 & FD22)

Jason Whalen (FD2 & FD10)

Dave Krueger Battalion-1 Chief (FD18)

Tyler Vlasin Battalion-2 Captain

Seth Lunberry (FD20)

Bryan Chase (FD15)

Braxtin Clement (LT-4)

Chris Hellerich (FD5)

Liam Killion (LT5)

Lonnie Reeder (FD6)

Connor Brown (LT6)

Clint Smith (FD7)

Quincy Bennett (LT7)

Mike Treadway (FD8)

Robin Reeder (LT8)

Adam Graizer (LT9)

Eddy Baer ARFF (LT10 & FD11)

Nate Toof (FD12)

Tony Rich (FD13)

John Sydow (FD14)

Brian Wolfe (FD16)

Todd Walton (FD17)

Dave Krueger (FD18)

Matt Ullman (FD19)

George Wiedel (FD12)

Bill Schaffnitt (FD23)

Terry Eirich (INSP1)
Company 1 – Total: 14

Brad Anderson - Secretary

Bryan Chase - Captain

Braxtin Clement - Lieutenant

Jerry Folck

Austin Fuehrer

Adam Graizer - Dive Lieutenant

Aaron Jameson - Chief

Seth Lunberry - Battalion 3

Eli Minnis

Carson Munster

Bill Schaffnitt - President

Dalton Schmidt

Dan Thompson

Jerry Thompson
Company 2 – Total: 13

Gene Beerbohm

Dillon Davis

Chris Hellerich - Captain

Andrew Kennedy

Liam Killion - Lieutenant

Jacob Nutter

Nate Smith

John Sydow

Nathan Toof

Matt Ullman - Treasurer

Tyler Vlasin - Battalion 2

Todd Walton - Board Member

Brian Wolfe
Company 3 – Total: 15

Zachary Beckman

Connor Brown | Lieutenant

Riley Favinger

Kelly Hardin

Zach Harris

Kent Hergott

Brad Isaac - Vice President

Kasey Potter

Ric Pulliam

Lonnie Reeder | Captain

Robin Reeder - Rescue Lieutenant

Tony Rich

Kevin Royle

Jason Whalen | Deputy Chief

George Wiedel
Company 4 – Total: 14

Mathew Begnoche

Quincy Bennett

Terry Eirich - Board Member

Lucas Frey

Josiah Gillming

Dave Krueger | Battalion 1

Marlon Lima-Mena

Joshua Miller

Clint Smith - Captain

Mike Treadway - Resscue Captain

Tim Ullman

Peter McGowen